Seeing Ourselves Through Technology

Daniel Gwin

Bonnie Robinson

English 1117

06 March, 2020

What does it mean to see ourselves through technology? How would one go about explaining this? I will be describing to you how through social media, how we see and interpret information and concepts that people have stated. The purpose of writing this should break down what it also means for people to read the text as just text rather than a physical human being speaking through self-representations. 

Seeing ourselves through technology is a phrase used to explain what we post on social media through self-representation. The usual items that humans are posting seem to be pictures, blog posts, or even vlog posts. “Social media is about communication with others, but we should be equally aware of how we use social media to reflect upon ourselves.” (12) People post all the time. Whether it is a funny video or an informational one. Posts mainly consist of what a person or groups of people agree with or how they’re feeling. Those are all self-representations, those things that would describe who you are and how you present yourself. 

Next, how people through social media, see and interpret information and concepts that people post or have stated. Everyone thinks differently no two people are the same. With that being said, whatever we say someone can take it as a joke, literally, metaphorically and so on and so on. People take information out of contexts consistently to make it seem as if they know what they’re talking about. Platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram allow users to search exactly what they want from tons of people all over the world. 

Lastly, I’d like to leave you with this. Do not read the text as if there is no emotion in what you’re reading. Read the text like you know it’s a physical human being speaking through self-representation of words. A method used a lot of the time to express themselves is through writing, blogging, and vlogging. It is a way for them to express themselves as well as gain a better understanding of what they’ve read.

Reading Like A Writer

Daniel Gwin

Bonnie Robinson

English 1117

21 February, 2020

To read as a writer is not just putting yourself in someone else’s shoes. It’s to read word by word. It is easy to perceive information as facts on your own. Reading like a writer is the ability to read text with the intent to identify the writer’s technique. Why the author of the text wrote in the context that they did. Reading to learn and decide if you would use their methods of getting information across. Reading is a way to learn how to be a better writer. Reading in general increases our vocabulary and increases the brain’s capacity and ability to think “outside the box.” Thinking about when I was younger and how creative I was.

 If I had been taught to search for writing techniques,  and language then my writing would have progressed at a faster rate. Reading like a writer helps me comprehend why it’s so easy for people to criticize someone else’s writing.

We are expanding our brain’s ability to think. When we read with the intent to understand the writer and how they put the text together. We absolutely have to consider why the writer wrote the way they did. Whether it was a back story of their life or an informational excerpt. 

 Being a decent poet myself, I can relate to thinking about where the writer was coming from to a certain extent. It’s not common to have to read like a writer. So I am glad that we are learning this due to the simple fact that people read all the time. As a writer, I would love for people to think about why I’m writing and what that means to me. Reading as such will cause many to comprehend the material on another level. My goal is that my classmates, teachers, parents or anyone who reads my writing. My intent would be for people to relate to my writing. 

It’s always difficult to be a better writer. Let alone be the best. Being a writer is extremely challenging because of how humans process information. Everyone thinks differently and no two people are the exact same. Nor can they feel the exact same emotions about something. Everyone is their own person. Humans all have different life challenges and circumstances that predetermine their judgment and actions. Those challenges and circumstances tend to make us who we are. If you let them, whether their good or bad. Those situations tend to make some of the best writing pieces. When you read like a writer I personally believe we should try our best to feel the same emotion that the writer had while writing the piece.


I chose creative commons License (CC BY-ND 4.0) for my blog , because there will be times I will be writing poetry and post it on here. I don’t want anyone using my words or phrases without giving me credit for what I wrote. I write quite a bit of poetry. Which means I would post it quite frequently.



I go by Doc the poet. I write quite a bit of poetry. I tend to write on the romantic side. There are times whee i post about how I am feeling in general. I’m mainly doing this for class,but I’ll post my poetry from time to time. I am a musician and enjoy working out as well. Most of all I love working with kids. I am a social work major, because if I can make a difference I will.

The Set Up

The set up was pretty explanatory. By following the directions and figuring out what works for you and what doesn’t was the difficult part about this process. Designing the theme and deciding what I wanted the title of my blog to be as well as what I wanted it to be about. Then having want to change specific minor things also made it difficult, because those minor things I couldn’t change.

English Class

JM`s blog

For English Class

Haileys Blogs

This blog is for my English class

Abde Barre

For English Class

Matt Frost

English 1117

Chris's Blog

English Class Blog,

Wei's Little Space

English 1117-36

Playing Your Hand Right

Showing America how to Live


This is for my English 1117 Class

Elizabeth's Blog

Keeping an Organized Life Amidst a Busy Schedule

Ella's Blog

This blog is designed to display mini essays surrounding a variety of topics for my English 1117 Class. It is protected by a Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.